A number of projects are underway in the “Let’s look to see” laboratory:
- “Access Man” : accessibility of school manuscripts
- “Accessgraph” : accessibility of graphics
- accessibility of complex interfaces for blind users
- “Accesspace” : development of spatial skills in visually impaired people
- “ActivMap” : Creation of adapted maps assisted by computer
- “Accessible Comic” : The accessibility of comic books
- “Do It Yourself” : build interactive objects yourself
- “INCA”: Simulation of an intelligent retinal implant
- Tangible collaborative and multi-modal interfaces
- “InnovCare”: the care path for people with disabilities
- “PAPART”: augmented reality to create and browse adapted digital documents
- “SCRATCH”: accessible digital programming
- “Thackavoir”: competition to create tools for professionals with visual impairment
- Tactile illustrations in children’s books